There are still a few of you who like to check this site so I thought I'd give another caveat of a glimpse into Grace's life.  She has now been home for 4 months and is loving her new life with all of us.  She is giving us wet and wonderful kisses (see pic of Ryan below), standing with ease, taking first steps, crawling quickly, signing all sorts of words to communicate (like eat, done, please, sleep, more, and milk), and spends her days basically tethered to her mommy but loves having her brothers and Daddy hold her and play with her.  She has games she plays like the sideways game where she'll cock her head to the side whenever anyone does this to her and she'll smile one of those winning smiles.  She still, however, doesn't sleep perfectly through the night. We've resorted to having me sleep with her every night - side by side on two mattresses.  She wakens every few hours and searches for me in the dark (albeit with a nightlight on).  She is getting less frantic about it and the past few nights she's begun to more quickly soothe herself to sleep. So I'm hopeful that we are on our way to the next stage which would be putting her into her crib at night and have me sleep next to her on the floor. Then the final stage would be that Grace is perfectly content in her crib and I am perfectly snuggled back in my own bed next to my sweet husband.  
These have taken a while to compile - my apologies to Sharon especially :-)  Taken together, the four movies are really one composite of our tours around Nanchang, including some independent walks that I had to gather footage.  If you followed our China blog, you've seen many of the pictures used in these movies, although they are blended with never before seen motion pictures and authentic chinese music.  I am posting a link to the first of the movies right now.  The other three will be added TO THIS SAME POST as soon as they are finished loading.  Enjoy!

To see "Streets of Nanchang" CLICK HERE.

To see "Teng Wang Pavilion" CLICK HERE.

To see "Nanchang Village" CLICK HERE.
For Christmas my mother gave me a FLIP camcorder. This thing is an amazing tiny device that allows me to capture lots of videos and upload them quicker than a wink!  Now I don't have to wait for Pat to do his magic (which is phenomenal) or to upload from the bigger camcorder.  Also, whenever I post a new video the software makes it possible to send a notification email that something has been added.  It's not going to be at Grace for a Lifetime but rather it's a address. I know baby footage can get monotonous but if you'd like to see clips of Grace (and us interacting with her), please say, "ADD ME TO THE LIST" and I'll do so.  Thanks!