For Christmas my mother gave me a FLIP camcorder. This thing is an amazing tiny device that allows me to capture lots of videos and upload them quicker than a wink!  Now I don't have to wait for Pat to do his magic (which is phenomenal) or to upload from the bigger camcorder.  Also, whenever I post a new video the software makes it possible to send a notification email that something has been added.  It's not going to be at Grace for a Lifetime but rather it's a address. I know baby footage can get monotonous but if you'd like to see clips of Grace (and us interacting with her), please say, "ADD ME TO THE LIST" and I'll do so.  Thanks!
1/11/2010 09:08:56 am

Add me to the list !
Monotonous - NOT !
Wonderful - Yes.

Aunt Cherie
1/13/2010 05:27:46 am

Me too! Me too!

1/22/2010 04:30:54 am

Add me to the list too please! THANK YOU!


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