These have taken a while to compile - my apologies to Sharon especially :-)  Taken together, the four movies are really one composite of our tours around Nanchang, including some independent walks that I had to gather footage.  If you followed our China blog, you've seen many of the pictures used in these movies, although they are blended with never before seen motion pictures and authentic chinese music.  I am posting a link to the first of the movies right now.  The other three will be added TO THIS SAME POST as soon as they are finished loading.  Enjoy!

To see "Streets of Nanchang" CLICK HERE.

To see "Teng Wang Pavilion" CLICK HERE.

To see "Nanchang Village" CLICK HERE.
1/22/2010 04:40:35 am

Great job on these videos honey! You're amazing! Thank you!!!


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