Today we got a US Consulate Appointment in Guangzhou and the green light to purchase tickets!   We thought it would be an easy thing to get tickets but it became an all day process. We ended up working through a wonderful travel agent who was recommended to us by our agency and the process got much less complicated at that point. She was familiar with all of the nuances in purchasing a lap ticket for Grace, and getting us a timely connecting flight from Guangzhou to Beijing. If the connecting flights to the city you are flying home from are longer than 12 hours apart, you don't get the international baggage allowance.  And I'm certainly counting on that 2 bag/person allowance to bring home some goodies for us, family, and Grace!  With only  a few flights home it was like a puzzle that had to fit masterfully together and we are happy with the results.

Of course, how happy can you really be when you know you will be traveling for 25.5 hours home with a baby on your laps who you love dearly but who will most likely struggle with that flight as much if not more than us!  We'll be flying into Hong Kong and then home via Beijing. Our travel group has to meet in Hong Kong so unfortunately we won't be able to tour all of the wonderful sites in Beijing - including the Great Wall, Tiannamen Square, and the Forbidden City. We could have come early but it just got too long and complicated to be away from our boys and we really don't feel badly at all. This trip is about Grace and we'll enjoy touring Hong Kong instead which we've heard is a beautiful city!  We'll save Beijing for another year, hopefully on a return journey with Grace to see her homeland.

Then it will be on to Nanchang (within 3 days), which is the capital city of Jiangxi Province where we will pick up Grace. We'll spend about a week there with the Chinese side of the adoption before flying to Guangzhou to handle the American side of the adoption where we will spend our final week. There will be lots to see, lots to eat, and lots to do, but honestly, all we're really excited about at this moment is getting our Grace Lu!
8/24/2009 10:35:29 am

Two weeks! I'm sooo happy for you!

As for the flying that far with a baby. In my flight experience, people are really nice. The last time I flew with the boys Cole was being really sad, and the woman beside me told me that she was on the 28th hour of her 30 hour journey from China. And SHE was really nice to Cole! : ) Can't wait to read about your trip of a lifetime for your daughter for a lifetime!

Deb Carlsen
8/24/2009 10:47:23 am

I am so excited for you! Sharon I love the picture on the home page. It looks like you will jump out of your skin! I think you could practically leap over to China and pick her up. Enjoy this time. Praise God for his blessings to all of you!

8/24/2009 11:50:44 am

We continue to pray for your family as you prepare to travel to bring Grace home. I'm looking forward to reading the exciting updates!

8/24/2009 02:20:21 pm

Yeah! Our first comments on our new blog! Thanks ladies for all of your encouragement and for meandering in for a visit at Grace for a Lifetime!

8/26/2009 12:02:49 am

I just watched the video of you all getting the phone call in NJ. How special! You made me cry. What a great family you guys are and what a blessed little girl Grace Lu is to have such love. May God smooth out any trip "wrinkles" and provide for your every need including packing challenges! Love, love, love, Elizabeth

8/27/2009 01:58:24 am

I have watched that phone call video three times, and each time, I cannot focus on the still shots at the end, because my eyes get blurry! How wonderful to have such documentation of this event. We'll be praying for you as we follow your trip on this terrific website.


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