Gifts for Grace and the Orphanage
We discovered this wonderful woman in China who will send out care packages to our daughter's orphanage and translate a letter for us.  We decided that what was most valuable to us and to Grace would be pictures of her or where she has been during these past 8 months and pictures of us for her to begin to recognize these strangers who will soon be her family. We sent Ann 8 pictures of us and she labeled all of them (Mother & Father, Family, Brother Adam etc). We were going to send these things out by ourselves but we also discovered through other people who will be traveling with us that when they did this, within a few days they received updated pictures of their little girls. Now that would be worth the cost of going through redthreadchina.com and Ann's services. We also might get updated info on her weight and length and maybe a few other details!  We decided to "go for it!".  We also thought it might help grease the wheels if we gave the Nannies some cookies. Perhaps Grace and her little friends will be able to share a special treat as well.  My mother upon seeing the package thought all of these cookies were for Grace and remarked that we're already grooming her to be a Fitzpatrick because we sure do love our treats!


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