Some of you are aware that I have had lots of struggles with my back over the past few years. I've been to therapy and need to keep up on my core strengthening exercises just to be able to stay mobile at times.  I didn't know what carrying a 20 pound little girl nor sleeping on hard beds with hard pillows would do to me. I did fear that I might have some days where Pat would have to do the carrying because I simply might be bent over from pain.  To my utter amazement and to God's glorious power, I have been totally free of ALL back pain these weeks! Even in the morning, when I roll out of bed there is no pain! This may simply be a miraculous gift from God of which I am SO grateful. But Pat and I are also going to have to re-think our bed at home.  It's a wonderfully delicious feeling bed (memory foam) but if all I really need is some good old-fashioned firmness in either or both my bed and pillow, we know what we need to do!  Any of you have any opinions about Select-Comfort that might give us the ability to have some flexibility between both of our firmness needs?

In any case -- the Chinese rarely have back troubles so I think there must be something to this hard bed thing. But -- I will say that putting 2 layers of egg cartons on top makes it work much better! And Mom, I may be looking into getting your hard feeling pillow!

And thanks to those of you who have shared tears with us along the way. Children are indeed a blessing from the Lord and we are glad that our journey has caused you in ways to reflect on your own and count your own blessings for God's mercies and goodness

9/15/2009 11:36:37 am

Funny - Alex has a horrible back (three bad discs). When we were looking for a new bed this past year, I had to let him pick the firm bed because of his comfort level. We were able to find a bed that suited both our needs, but it was a long journey to finding the bed! I think your thoughts about the Chinese and their lack of back problems may be accurate!

Praise God that you have not had any back problems during this trip!! Just another blessing to count!

And, yes seeing God answer so many of your prayers (and ours!) for this trip to Grace has been so personally encouraging! Another reason to thank you for being so transparent during this experience!

Looking forward to hearing that Grace is now a citizen and you're packing to head home! I'm praying that Pat is feeling better and that his meds are working! Praising God that Grace has had improvement with her bowels. (Hey Grace - if you're now about 13 and reading this journal -- try not to be embarrassed! Just know you are REALLY loved!)

Have a GREAT day today!!


9/15/2009 01:03:28 pm


I have neck and hip problems myself and just love my sleepnumber bed. Being able to adjust the firmness to how I feel each night has worked wonders. Though if you like the beds at the White Swan you probably can just sleep on the floor when you get home :)


9/15/2009 09:46:59 pm

I love how God works all things together for good. Last time I slept on your bed I ended up with back pain and believe it or not I have back pain now. Rarely do I ever have back pain. I love the feeling of your bed but definitely think you should look into a firmer bed. It took me about 4 weeks to adjust to my pillow but now I love it. Definitely feel it is keeping my neck aligned.
It has been wonderful hearing all of the answers to prayer on this journey. Some day you'll have to just record all the answers to prayer. I will be praying often for the flight home at peace knowing that you are in the loving hands of our Creator God.

Much love to all.

9/16/2009 01:14:02 am

Dear Sharon and Pat,

Thinking of that long trip back home to the United States. Hope all goes well; we are praying it does.
Love, Aunt Ruthann

Sandy Rockett
9/16/2009 10:34:13 am

Hi Sharon,

I have degenerative disc disease. Back in 2004, I had to fly to Vienna, Austria, to have 2 badly degenerated discs replaced by 2 artificial discs (it wasn't FDA approved here in the US back then and I was only able to sit, stand or walk for extremely short periods of time). I've always had firm mattresses--at times we've even had plywood under the mattress for extra support. When I slept on a soft mattress, I was sure to have problems the next day. You should definitely look into a firmer mattress than you have now--not familiar with the sleep number mattresses, but as long as you can firm up your side, I would think it would work.

Thank you again for sharing the details of your trip, along with your thoughts and feelings. What a blessing it is to read each day! I'm so happy for the Fitzpatricks and the D'Andres!!! :o)

Take care and God bless! Will be praying for your safe trip home...



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    Adoption Trip To China

    Follow us on our adventures through the streets of Hong Kong, Nanchang (capital city of Jiangxi - our daughter's province), and Guangzhou and all our sweet experiences with our new daughter Grace. We'll be exactly 12 hours ahead of our boys' time back in the states.


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