One Whole Month with my Family!
Happy one month home anniversary to us and to Grace!  Grace was running a fever for the first part of this week but licked it and is back to her sweet wakeful self. I have to admit that having a sleepy baby was kind of nice for a few days!  Overall, however, it's been a month of more firsts, more AND less sleep, more development with sitting, standing, and grasping, and most notably, more attachment.  Below you will find a hodgepodge of pics from this week.  You will find Grace getting help from her brothers for all sorts of fun things, like airplane rides, upside down rides, shoulder rides, piano playing in traditional and novel ways, and yes, drooling.  You'll see Grace learning that glasses are hard to figure out but so is this whole big new world she's in. You'll also see that Grace has learned that her Daddy's chest is a nice big bed and that her doggy is still a curiosity.  She also played wtih a doll this week (thank you Kelly!), and she discovered that her hair is yummy to suck on. 

For Pat and for me, this month has had its fill of change as well and it was easy to see the major advances for us on a week by week basis:
Week One -- Jet Lag and the fog of sleep deprivation as Grace tries to change to our time zone.
                        Thankfully, my Mom was here to help us survive and keep the household running!
Week Two -- Grace is now on our time zone but is not sleeping through the night so sleep deprivation for us continues. 
                        The adjustment curve to life with Grace and our four boys without a tank filled with sleep is difficult.
Week Three -- Grace sleeps a bit more at night, we feel more human, and we see the light at the end of the tunnel.
                         By week's end, Pat and I are laughing and joking with one another again after a long draught of survival mode.
Week Four -- Life is much more manageable and although we still aren't getting a full night of rest, it is enough to function well.
                        We're getting out with Grace and getting into more of a system at home and life is looking and feeling much better!
'Please hold me?'
'Come on!! HOLD ME!!'
Aunt Cherie
10/16/2009 11:39:18 am

Adorable. It just amazes me that you've had Grace for a whole month! It seemed like the day would never arrive, and already a month at home has gone by! Sleep deprivation or no, I know you're all just in seventh heaven. We love the pictures and look forward to more, more, more! She is obviously a very loved and very happy little girl.

10/17/2009 12:10:34 pm

What wonderful pictures! She looks so incredibly happy. I can't believe it's a month either. Oh, I can hardly wait for the next entry!

10/17/2009 12:35:53 pm

Look at that hair!!!! She's absolutely gorgeous!

I'm so glad to "see" that Grace loves her doll!! Andre look like he would like to love on it too! (He's just waiting for his chance!)

How did a month pass already? And, yet, when you consider you've been all the way to the other side of the world and back in that time - it doesn't seem long at all!

I don't know, you guys . . . when I look at these pictures of your boys and Grace, all I can do is heave a heavy sigh of gratitude to God.

God is good.

10/19/2009 06:44:50 am

I was just thinking about how very important HAIR is on a baby doll. Both of my girls loved their dolls that had hair. Chelsea had a very special little Asian doll that she named "Baby" when she was 18 months old. She still has her! She's on her second body. Her hair is in dreadlocks! Alex used to painstakingly comb the dreadlocks out every so often. It was so sweet watching him do that knowing that she would roll them into dreads again as she loved on the doll. Anyway, I was thinking about how Grace is "mouthing" her baby doll and thinking, "YES! She loves her!" I realized that since you had four boys before Grace that you may not know this yet!

Love you


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