Sigh. Long sigh. Longer sigh. Waiting is hard. Whenever we run into people who know we're adopting, they ask, "So, when do you think you'll get your little girl?" You'd think that every time someone asks, the date would move closer, but instead it keeps moving further away! 8 months have passed from when our dossier was logged into China. It's called LID and it's a mighty important date because predictions for when you will get your first glimpse of your child (your referral) hinge on that date. When we started the process it was about 8 months from LID to referral. So when we started we thought we'd be seeing her sweet little face now, and traveling just after the new year.

But China has gotten VERY slow. So slow, that reports are saying that from LID to referral could be now as much as 2 years! That just hurts. Physically hurts.

So for those of you who do us the honor of visiting this site on ocassion, would you please offer up prayer for me and my family? We know that God's timing is absolutely perfect, but it's hard to get that brain to heart connection right now. Just pray that I will learn how to wait and trust and that God's peace that passes all understanding would guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus. You could also pray that God would provide all we need as we will inevitably have to spend the extra time and resources to update our fingerprints, government paperwork, and homestudy which will be due to expire before we get Grace.

We'll make it through and all of this will be a distant memory when we hold Grace in our arms. But right now is just. . . hard.