Our waiting period is very different from enduring the nine month gestational period of a normal pregnancy - It is poorly defined (7-12 months from now we should receive our referral) and without the luxury of any of the physical cues (heart beat, expanding abdomen, crazy cravings). Even so, there are still things to do while waiting, and I have already discovered that a woman's nesting instinct is not linked to levels of progesterone, human chorionic gonadotropin, or estrogen. Sharon has been busy this past week decorating our little girl room with pinks and other pastels. Instead of iguanas and tropical flora (it was the boys' room) we now have flowers, butterflies and lady bird beetles hand-painted on the walls. It is quite lovely. And seeing one of our ten year olds (Ryan)rocking in the chair yesterday, hoping that the room will soon be filled with a precious little girl, warmed our hearts.

Three things of which I am certain: 1) God has known and loved Grace from before the foundations of the world, 2) God meant her for us and us for her, and 3) She is in process!! - somewhere in China right now, there is a mother who is either carrying Grace within her womb or one who has already given birth to and abandoned her. When we started this process she may have merely been an idea in our mind. Now...she is a real person! We're praying for you, Grace! (Pat)