Grace slept 6 1/2 hours straight beginning at 8 PM last night. I (Sharon) went down shortly thereafter because I was going to be on duty tonight. Pat is flying to Georgia for a job interview this morning so I wanted him to get all the rest he could.  That means I got in a good 5 hours and as many of you who have small children know, 4 hours is the "feel human" mark so I am very grateful for that long stretch even if if meant starting my day at 2:30 AM!  But Pat was still struggling with jet lag so he was up at 4 and gave me another 2 hours of sleep so that was fantastic! 

Grace is taking to the boys quite well. She is smiling and enjoying them and even giving my mother some vocalized laughs!  Even Andre who is eager to over-greet our new family member is starting to be accepted. Grace is allowing him to lick her hand and seems to be finding him rather amusing.  The boys had a hard time when Grace was sleeping, "When is she going to be up?! Can we go just look at her?"

Mom is such a big help to me right now with taking care of meal prep and various cleanups around the house. This jet lag thing can knock the socks off of you and to add to it not being able to just get a good long night's sleep to get through it can be challenging. But God is giving us what we need and helping us start on this path toward adjusting to life with 7 -- can you believe it? Seven!  I am overwhelmed at God's goodness. 

One of you dear friends put this beautiful big pink bow on our mailbox. We were thrilled to wake up and see the sight!  Then Mom added the "It's a girl balloon!"  given from our sweet neighbors the Stelpflugs and no one could doubt the arrival of the newest Fitzpatrick! Inside the house the boys had decorated with pink streamers and pink balloons all over.  It all seemed overwhelming to Grace when she first stepped into her new home but already she is showing us her smiles and her joy at being in this crazy family of ours.  I personally think she's actually going to bring a little sanity to this testosterone driven family, but that's just me! 

I really can't thank you enough for praying us through and encouraging us along the way.  Thank you, too, for those of you who have sent us some presents. I was opening them in the wee hours of the morning and nearly at tears with how precious your thoughts are to us and the thought and care that went into those gifts.  You will be hearing from me personally with thanks but in case you are reading, I wanted you to know how much they mean to us!

The rest of the family is just starting to rouse and their day will soon be beginning.  Grace is taking a little mid-morning nap and we'll see what joys and even struggles this day holds.  But we know we are safe in God's care and in His plan for all of us and we are eager for all of the days to come be they here in Raleigh or somewhere else. God has a plan for us and we will joyfully follow.  Blessings to you all!
Think Pink!

    Adoption Trip To China

    Follow us on our adventures through the streets of Hong Kong, Nanchang (capital city of Jiangxi - our daughter's province), and Guangzhou and all our sweet experiences with our new daughter Grace. We'll be exactly 12 hours ahead of our boys' time back in the states.


    September 2009
    August 2009


    Gotcha Day