Today marks 6 months with our sweet baby girl. We've all come a long way in 6 months! It took me (Sharon) 5 months to feel as if I was back on my feet. I knew there would be a transition back to baby days with the additional attachment needs thrown in but I never dreamed it would take me that long!  As I write, Grace is celebrating in a similar way to when we got her - with sickness. It's her first real bout of sickness (high fever, vomiting, listlessness) but I believe today we did take a turn and she is over the hump.  After she recovers, she'll be back to her happy self. She's walking now, saying a few words (including Dada!), and taking definite likes and dislikes now to certain foods on a daily basis.  She's continued to be quite attached to her mommy but also seems more secure in that attachment as well. She's sleeping better at night (in her crib) but still needs the reassuring presence of me in her room (on a mattress on the floor).  She takes a nice 2 hour nap daily which is a big change from the 30-40 min naps she used to take when we first came home. Overall, we're seeing a more content and peaceful little lady and we can only believe that the next 6 months will steady her on her emotional feet even more.